Monday, September 27, 2010

Eau Claire

The buliding I that i standing in front is Sacred Heart Church which is located at North Dewey Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54705. It is near downtown which is north side of Eau Claire. Sacred Heart Church is built since 1880 by the parish and 60 families under Fr. Jos. Boehm. It reflect faith and the parish is given the churh over 12 priest and 30 sisters. After 124 years, Sacred Heart is united with Saint Patrick. The interior view of the chuch is very beautiful whereby it is decorated with stained glass which shows joyful mysteries, sorrow mysteries and Glorious Mysteries.
This are the stained glass which represent sorrowful, joyful and glorious mysteries.

Former Sacred Heart Hospital which is located at 550 North Dewey Street, Eau Claire, Wisconsin is built since 1890 by sisters of St. Francis. It is a three storey building which is designed in Colonial Revival style.A later expansion of the building in 1926 to the north end of the hospital and east side of the chapel displays Neo-Gothic Revival style features  It functions as a hospital till 1967, then it was occupied and became The Eau Claire Academy which is a child and adolescent treatment center.

This is where I have been during a wonderful weekend, the Former Sacred Heart Hospital and Sacred heart Church of Eau Claire.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Does culture defines institutions or institutions define culture?

          Based on the internet source “wikipedia” explained that institutions are structures of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of a set of human collectively. Institutions also known as a significant practice, relationship, or organization in a society or culture. The field for institutions is very broad, it covers marriage, family, religion, education, science institutions, hospitals, legal system penalty system, mass media, art, culture, language and so on.  whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. This institution had represents from different country which possess different cultures and work together to resolve country’s conflicts using appropriate method through decision made according to the country’s cultures and beliefs.
         On the other hand, culture can be define as the excellence taste in fine arts and humanities and the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization or group.This definition strongly prove that it is culture itself defines institutions. Institutions would not exist before culture since it is made up of a group of people that behave the same way to work as an institution which consist of common individual goals and values.
         Culture is main ingredient to establish an institution that allow each institutions to show their own identity. It acts as the ridgepole or foundation that leads to the formation of an institution, a united society must be made up of common individual’s belief, practices and goals which define as a culture. For instance, a social institution require a distinct culture practice reinforce the identity of its organization. A famous example which is United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in inrenational law, international security,econimic development, social progress, human rights and achievement of world peace. This institution has representation from different country which possess different cultures and work together to resolve country’s conflicts using appropriate method through decision made according to the country’s cultures and beliefs.
        In my opinion, culture is an important role to forming an institution, thus, culture defines institutions.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Journey

The images of my family sending me off from the airport and the whole journey to United States from Malaysia are still fresh in my mind. Time past really fast, I am staying in United States for almost one month and I found that there are many differences in this country compare to the place where I belong.

In the social aspect, I found that the way of people interact in US is different from my home country. People in this country are friendly and it is out of my expectation. The first day I moved into my dorm, my roommate bought me a Wild berry Pepsi after I told him that I never see this kind of Pepsi in my home country. “Hi, how are you doing?" can be heard every day around the campus. Everyone would like to greet others even they do not know each other well. In Malaysia, people would not greet someone they do not recognize. People will just walk away without bothering the person that pass by.
Something different about American students and Malaysia students are the style of study. As what I can see in other classes, Americans students would like to lift their hands up to ask question and have discussions on some topics. Back to Malaysia, students rather to keep silence in the class and find out the answers by themselves even they had difficulties in studies. When lecturer asked any questions, they are shy to raise their hands, worry that their answers are wrong or others will laugh at them if they ask too much question.

Even though in different country, there are few things that let me feel like I am in Malaysia. Firstly, the main thing that gave me a deep impression in United States is the society. People came from different country and belongs to different races still can stay together forming a harmony and peaceful society. Students from United States, China, Vietnam, Japan, Korea and so on can be friends to each other and hang out together same as what happen in my country where we have three big races, Malays, Indians and Chinese sharing one country. We blend our culture together and formed Malaysia which is a country with diverse culture.

Another similarity is participation of outdoor activities and societies in school. We have a lot of functions and events that bring student together in our country same as what happen in UWEC. Students in UWEC like to join much kind of activities too rather than facing books all the time, become a bookworm.