Monday, November 15, 2010

Malaysia's and United State's Families

Based on my perception I personally think that American families are really different from families in Malaysia. During childhood, most of the children will be sent to childcare center every weekday due to the importance of career for parents in the United States. However what we can see in Malaysia is a mother would likely leave their job and stay at home to take care their children. In another word, we can say that the motherly instinct of Malaysia’s women is stronger compared to women in the United States. Moreover, the children in the United States do not bear the responsibility to take care and stay with their parents after they had grown up. In Malaysia, the retired or senior citizens do not get any allowance, the government will not subsidise them. Thus, the only choice for parents is to follow their children after they do not have the ability to stay on their own.
In spite of just pointing out the differences between American family and Malaysia family, there are still some similarities among them. For instance, children in both countries are provided good education and tuition by their parents unlike other countries where children had to join labor force once they reach a certain age and drop out from school to earn more money to support the family.
I think that the families in the United States are likely as stable as the family in Malaysia even though the divorce rate are higher than Malaysia statistically. The stability of family mostly based on individuals to individuals and the culture and beliefs they hold on. For example Malaysia has a lesser divorce rate due to the culture where divorce is not encouraged.


  1. "the motherly instinct of Malaysia’s women are stronger compared to women in the United States"

    I believe it is hard to say that; because , in my opinion, the motherly instinct is the same for all the women across the globe.

  2. I'd like to add a point on what you said about dropping out school to help their families. In many countries, parents think that education is not important. So, when their children dropp off school, their parents would not have any problems.

  3. This sentence :"the motherly instinct of Malaysia’s women are stronger compared to women in the United States" really come from true women or mother. That is what I think, children future and educations is more important than mother's work or job.
    Othman, I think that was past, it is changing slowly. Now parents want their kids to be educated.
